Public Speaking

With over 40 years in food and nutrition, Ngaire is known as an engaging, informative and entertaining speaker that talks in the language of everyday people and provides sensible, practical guidance.

I am known as an engaging, informative and entertaining speaker.

I share the knowledge I have gained over 40 years in food and nutrition, ageing and dementia risk reduction with a clear focus on the needs of the audience I stand before each time.

I present the latest science to support the unique needs of people enjoying unprecedented longevity.

In presentations to groups of everyday people, I am able to set attendees at ease while sharing my passion which is creating awareness of the unique needs of adults moving away from middle age  so they can live the best life possible from their late 60s on. I speak in the language of everyday people and provide sensible, practical guidance to help individuals live their best later life possible.

I am available to speak with community groups - whether they be seniors gym enthusiasts, bushwalking or bridge clubs - and with family and community carers assisting older people in their homes or in residential care.

Fees for community groups: I offer my time to community groups for a reduced fee on a limited basis when I have time/capacity, but I do expect that travel costs will be covered and a commitment made by organisers of adequate book sales at the event to assist with costs. I am based in Tasmania.  

Interested in working with Ngaire?

Fill in the form below with your information or get in touch directly via email at

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ie: how many people will be in attendance.

Please provide some details about your proposal, event or idea.

Please share any other comments or information you may feel is relevant.

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“Ngaire has the great skill of being able to engage an audience from the very start of a presentation.  Her extensive knowledge and relaxed style allow her to reach diverse audiences with a critical health and wellbeing message.  Information that could be complex and dense becomes a clear, engaging and actionable.”  
— Deb Lewis, COTA Tasmania

Ngaire is a very inspiring speaker particularly appropriate for the U3A age group. Easy to listen to and understand, she left us with much to consider in our efforts to keep fit both physically and mentally as we journey through our “third age”.
- Marg L, U3A Port Sorrel

Looking for your next great read?

My books and presentations deliver the science of nutrition, ageing, brain health and dementia risk reduction in everyday language.
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