Food and Nutrition Posts

Ngaire shares more about eating to thrive into later age & dementia risk reduction including some of my work in aged care and beyond — and maybe even some chat about gardens and food production.

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Latest Posts by Ngaire

Iron supplements might impact gut bacteria

This review of research on iron supplementation and gut health suggests caution is warranted: taking a supplement prescribed to correct a diagnosed deficiency is often medically necessary, but without diagnosed deficiency, iron supplements might instead harm our vital beneficial gut bacteria.

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Prevent delirium - Eat, Walk, Engage

Delirium is very common during hospital admissions for older people - it greatly increases the challenges faced in caring for people and reduces their chances of going home promptly

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Parkinsons Diet resources

April is Parkinson's Disease (PD) Awareness Month, and if you live with PD and are in your late 60s or beyond, combining what's best for you as you age with what you need to manage PD is vital to living the best life possible into later age.

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an Apple a Day does help keep the doctor away!

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" may be an old saying but it has plenty of truth to it. Apples contain a variety of phytochemicals which have excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

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Could Full Cream Dairy foods PROTECT, instead of harm, your heart and health?

Far from being the heart disease negative we have heard full cream dairy foods to be, Swedish researchers think a higher intake of dairy fat might instead be protective.

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Talking Brain Body Food on Gardening Australia

Enjoy the footage of my segment on Australia's extremely popular program Gardening Australia, on ABC TV. It went to air on ABC TV on Friday, October 15th.

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Boost Gut Health and Fight Frailty

Eating to keep your gut bacteria happy might also help you avoid devastating frailty later in life.

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Brains like REAL food and drink!

Artificial sweeteners could be potentially harmful to our all-important gut microbiome according to recent research.

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Oatmeal (porridge) that packs a protein punch

In my occasional cooking segments, here is an idea for a higher protein breakfast of porridge/oatmeal.

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Audiobook Of Brain Body Food Now Available!

Now available where you buy your audiobooks

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Research Supports Food As Medicine In Early Dementia

Exactly what I say in Brain Body Food

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It's Never Too Late To Get More From Physical Activity

Prepare for older age with new physical activity guidelines

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Older posts from Ngaire

Protein Boosted Ice Cream That Is More Than Delicious!

March 29, 2021

What could be better than ice cream with extra protein?

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Getting More Protein From The Milk You Use

March 22, 2021

Video tips to boost protein in the milk you use each day.

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Malnutrition Is Not Only In The Underweight

March 15, 2021

An article I wrote for Diabetes Management Journal last year on the issue of the existence of malnutrition in obesity.

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No To Weight Loss In Later Age

March 12, 2021

An excerpt from Brain Body Food - it's part of a whole chapter where I delve into bodyweight and the pros and cons of losing weight from your late 60s on

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What Does 10 Grams Of Protein Look Like?

February 17, 2021

What does 10 grams of protein look like?

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Could Walking Speed Link To Dementia Risk?

December 27, 2020

A recent University of Alberta study has shown a connection between walking speed and future risk of dementia in older adults.

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Flu Vaccination Suggested To Help Reduce Dementia Risk

November 18, 2020

Vaccination may help protect against Alzheimer’s dementia

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Life Matters Program On Radio National

November 11, 2020

All about the book Brain Body Food now available in print, as an ebook and an audiobook

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Presentation To The International Council On Active Ageing Conference 2020

October 28, 2020

My Presentation on Ageism in Health and Eating guidance

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HealthSpeak Podcast

September 8, 2020

Listen to the latest HealthSpeak podcast on finding the best of life in COVID times.

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Maintaining Health During COVID Times

June 3, 2020

Maintaining health and capacity in COVID times: a webinar recording

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Ultra-Processed Foods Are Your Worst Food Enemy In Ageing Well

June 1, 2020

Ultra Processed foods may contribute to frailty.

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Move, Eat Right During COVID #Stayhome

May 25, 2020

Don’t let these #stayhome times take away your health and ability to live life the way you wish. Eat, Move, Live

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Strengthen Immunity Along With Your Brain: Colours Surrounding Protein At Every Meal

May 15, 2020

My most recent book might focus on dementia risk reduction, but eating for your brain also supports your body, including your immune system. The recipes and advice here also help you fight illness and to recover if you do become unwell.

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Malnutrition Worsens COVID 19 Outcomes: Extra Attention Is Needed In Aged Care

April 15, 2020

Guidelines were released last week on nutritional management of patients with COVID 19 by the world peak body in this area: The European Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN)…

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High Quality Protein Reduces The Negative Effects Of Inactivity

October 21, 2019

High quality protein reduces the negative effects of inactivity.

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Eat To Live Well With Dementia: World Alzheimer's Day

September 21, 2019

When diagnosed nearly half of people have lost weight in the previous year, and that contributes to frailty, falls and premature death. But there is a lot that can be done - read more here.

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Dehydration - Dangerous And Difficult To Identify In Aged Care

September 18, 2019

Many of us this we know what to look for to determine how well hydrated we are: do your mouth and skin feel dry? are you thirsty? But do they work in an aged care environment? It seems not.

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Eating Well Beyond Your 60s

August 19, 2019

Most people, including many health professionals, are unaware that following health and nutrition advice appropriate for someone of 30 or 40 can be harmful to those aged 65 and over.

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I Was Honoured To Be Invited To Present The Sir Keith Wilson Oration At The Recent SAGe Conference In Adelaide

July 11, 2019

The SA branch of the Australian Association of Gerontology is the largest in Australia and is a vibrant, eclectic community of professionals working to help every older person enjoy the best life possible as they age.

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Why Dietitians Need A Bigger Role In Aged Care

July 8, 2019

Weight gain might be a problem in midlife but in older age the challenge can be keeping kilos on. This is where many aged care homes need to lift their game says dietitian Ngaire Hobbins, who’s submitted evidence to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety

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It's No Surprise - Food Is Better Than Vitamin/Mineral Supplements!

April 11, 2019

In a large study which surveyed US adults about their supplement intake, then followed them for around 6 years, researchers found that most dietary supplements don't appear to help avoid death.

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Heart Failure - Overweight Is Better Than Underweight In Later Age

March 7, 2019

Among older adults with heart failure, there have been a number of studies over the past decade or so that have identified people who are “at risk of malnutrition” or who are malnourished as having a higher chance of three things…

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An Excellent But Sobering Article From Prof Joe Ibrahim On The Royal Commission Into Aged Care

January 18, 2019

There are many aged care homes doing great work and there is an army of aged care workers who are committed to providing compassionate, empathetic care to our wonderful elders.

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Just One Extra Meal Prevents Death In Half Of Older Patients With Hip Fracture!

January 14, 2019

In the UK, the NHS has been researching how to achieve better outcomes following hip fracture. They have recently shown something we dietitians have been saying for a long time…

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